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Jessica Reedy

  • Online
  • Faith based/Wairua
  • Lived experience
  • Couples
  • Pasifika
  • Asian
  • Other ethnic groups
  • Female
  • Face to face
  • Women
  • Men
  • Whānau/Family groups
  • Children (0-12)
  • Youth (12-18)
  • Young adults (18-24)
  • Older Adults
  • LGBTQIA+/Rainbow
  • Rural/remote
  • Neurodiversity
  • Disability
  • Māori/tangata whenua
Westport, West Coast/Clinical Psychologist/Face to face/Children/Adolescents/ Whānau groups/Couples 

 Mon-Thur 9.30-2pm

Tena koe, my name is Jessica Reedy. I was raised in the West Coast’s Kawatiri – Buller District and continue to live and work in this special part of the country. As a Clinical Psychologist, I’m committed to supporting people across the lifespan facing complex life challenges. I have lived experience of suicide by three people dear to me during my youth and early adulthood and am open and sensitive to the unique experiences of individuals, families and whānau bereaved by suicide. I use a range of compassion-focussed therapy approaches to support people to heal in the ever-shifting presence of grief and to restore wellbeing, meaning and fulfilment in their lives. I’m available to work with people in-person in Westport on Wednesdays and Thursdays.