About Us

Meet The Aoake te Rā Team

Adele Reweti
Adele RewetiClinical Advisor / Coach
Adele RewetiClinical Advisor / Coach

Kia ora, I am from Ngāti Ranginui and Ngāi Te Rangi ki Tauranga Moana.

I am a Clinical Advisor on the Aoake te Rā team, a valued member of Ngā Pou Ārahi. I have a background in mental health and am also a social worker. I am passionate about the mana of whānau and supporting people to be courageous. I now live on the West Coast of the South island with my wee whānau where we enjoy exploring the mountains, ocean and rivers of Aotearoa. Mauri ora whānau!

Ben Te Maro
Ben Te MaroClinical Advisor /Portfolio Coordinator
Ben Te MaroClinical Advisor /Portfolio Coordinator
Kia ora. Ko Ben Te Maro tōku ingoa. I’m an occupational therapist with a background in mental health. I’m interested in social equity, and CASA provides me with opportunities to assist rangatahi and their whānau realise their full potential. When I’m not working you can find me exercising, baking/cooking and exploring outdoors.
Brooke Brake
Brooke Brake2IC Project Lead & Clinical Advisor
Brooke Brake2IC Project Lead & Clinical Advisor
Kia ora, I am a Registered Social Worker living in Rural Northern Waikato and work as a Clinical Advisor for the CPRS team and 2IC and Clinical Advisor for the Bereaved by Suicide Service. I have a background in Child and Youth Mental Health and Suicide Prevention. Outside of work I enjoy spending time with my husband and 4 young children in the sunshine, reading and baking.
Eve Leonard
Eve LeonardClinical Advisor / Coach
Eve LeonardClinical Advisor / Coach
Tēnā tatou kato, ko Eve Leonard tōku ingoa. I am an Occupational Therapist with a background in child and young persons mental health, suicide prevention, postvention and bereavement support. My mahi with the Aoake Te Rā team sits in the coaching and training space, and I do some provider work with the bereaved. I thoroughly enjoy the process of mohiotanga with providers, sharing knowledge and experience with the aim to offer the best support to those accessing the Aoake Te Rā service. When I am not working, I love being with my young whānau and my friends in the outdoors. Mauri ora!
Linda Bowden
Linda BowdenClinical Advisor
Linda BowdenClinical Advisor
Kia ora, I am an occupational therapist with a background in mental health and suicide prevention. I believe in the hauora and wellbeing of all and enjoy working collaboratively to achieve systems change. When I am not working at CASA you will find me chasing toddlers, at the beach or with my whānau.
Nicola Cribb
Nicola CribbAdministrator
Nicola CribbAdministrator
I have worked for CASA since 2006 and currently work as the administrator for Aoake te Rā. I enjoy working with a great bunch of people and supporting the work they do. In my down time I enjoy spending time with friends and family, reading and walking the dog.
Tracy Murdoch
Tracy MurdochClinical Advisor / Coach
Tracy MurdochClinical Advisor / Coach

Kia ora, Ko Tracy Murdoch ahau. Nō Ōtatautahi.

My name is Tracy Murdoch and I live and work in Christchurch. I am a clinical advisor/coach for Aoake te Rā. It is a privilege to support Aoake Te Rā providers in their mahi when supporting the bereaved by suicide. I am a Registered Psychologist (Child and Family) and have worked in the field of suicide prevention and postvention for many years with CASA. I also work in private practice with children and young people who have experienced significant trauma in their lives.

Amanda Christian
Amanda ChristianClinical Advisor / Coach
Amanda ChristianClinical Advisor / Coach

Kia ora, I’m Amanda Christian, I live in the Far North in the beautiful Doubtless Bay, Taupo Bay. I work as a psychologist in the area of suicide prevention and postvention – My mahi with Aoake te Rā is in the coaching and training role, and as a clinical advisor especially from the bereaved perspective after having lost our daughter to suicide aged 16 years. I am passionate about aligning services to meet the needs of the bereaved voice. I also contract as a therapist to Aoake te Rā working alongside bereaved others. Outside of work I enjoy whanau time, our animals, beautiful sunny beach days and am learning to play golf.

Berea Morrison
Berea MorrisonClinical Advisor
Berea MorrisonClinical Advisor

Tēnā koutou, Ko Ngā Ruahine, me Ngāti Ruanui ōku iwi. I am a registered nurse with a background in acute child and adolescent mental health and work as a clinical advisor with Aoake te Rā team. I am driven by a vision of empowered and self-governing individuals, whanau and community. Ko te manu e kai ana I te miro nōnā te ngahere. Ko te manu e kai ana I te mātauranga nōnā te ao.

Outside of my mahi I enjoy being outdoors and connecting to the whenua and moana.

Cheryl Em
Cheryl EmClinical Advisor
Cheryl EmClinical Advisor
Kia ora, Ko Cheryl Em toku ingoa. I am an Occupational Therapist with a background in mental health, suicide prevention, postvention and suicide bereavement. My mahi with Aoake te Rā is with the intake team, where I have the privilege to connect with those who are bereaved and honour their experiences. Outside of this mahi I embrace the busy schedules of my beautiful children and supporting their passions. I also love being outdoors, enjoying the sunshine, tātahi and overall whānau time.
Gabe Couch
Gabe CouchClinical Advisor / Coach
Gabe CouchClinical Advisor / Coach
Kia ora, I am a Registered Clinical Psychologist based in Auckland and work as a Clinical Advisor on the Aoake te Rā team. My motivation has always been in working with young people and their whanau to improve wellbeing and mental health. Outside of work I spend my time enjoying my three young children, whānau, friends, food, music and the great outdoors!
Miriama Scott
Miriama ScottKaihāpai
Miriama ScottKaihāpai

Tēnā koutou e ngā rangatira, ngā tangata whenua o te Ao. Greetings all distinguished indigenous peoples of the World.

Ko Takitimu raua ko Kurahaupō ngā waka,
Ko Ngāti Kahungunu rātou ko Rangitāne, ko Ngāti Raukawa ngā iwi
Ko Renata raua ko Heketa Te Awe ngā tangata,
Ko Miriama Scott te ingoa.

I am of Ngāti Kahungunu and Rangitāne descent through our mother and Scottish and English descent through our father.

I was born in the Cook Islands, where there is a close association with the Takitimu waka, the canoe of the Ngāti Kahungunu tīpuna, to whom I whakapapa.

While I am a registered social worker, my education is in Sociology, Anthropology and History but due to the ‘strong’ encouragement of a kaumatua, Turoa Haronga, because I was facilitating learning on a social work programme, I completed competency to practice social work and then registration as a social worker.

My passion and commitment are to progress tangata whenua knowledge and skills in any field of practice and to challenge mainstream / generic services, where constraint of the legitimacy to practice as the indigenous peoples of Aotearoa may be evident. In keeping with this commitment, I also work to tautoko all indigenous peoples in the same endeavours.

Rachel Day-Brown
Rachel Day-BrownClinical Advisor
Rachel Day-BrownClinical Advisor
Kia ora, ko Kāi Tahu tāku iwi, nō Kaikoura ahau, engari nō Ōtautahi tāku kainga ināianei. I have been dedicated to mental health for the past 20+ years in various roles for Private, DHB & Kaupapa Māori NGO sectors. My roles at CASA are Clinical Advisor for the CDS and Aoake te Rā team and a valued member of Ngā Pou Ārahi . It is a privilege to walk alongside tangata, supporting and empowering them forward to enhanced resilience. Outside of this mahi, I am a Director of a Mental Health Kaupapa Māori organisation – He Waka Tapu, and otherwise I enjoy my whanau, puppy & adventures to new places. Mauri ora.
Wylie Te Peeti
Wylie Te PeetiKaitakawaenga
Wylie Te PeetiKaitakawaenga
Tena Tatou, Ko Wylie Timotuha Te Peeti ahau. I am a descendant of Ngati Rangiwewehi Te Arawa waka on my Father side and Ngati Raukawa ki te Tonga on my Mother side ko te waka Tainui. I have the privilege and honour to be apart of casa as a Kaitakawaenga and a valued member of Ngā Pou Ārahi. He reo hononga aku kia tautoko nga korero, kia marama, kia awhina, kia ako nga tohu Maori. My role is to support in helping understand, bringing together and in learning the aspects of Maoritanga that coincides with casa.
Avi Nair
Avi NairClinical Advisor
Avi NairClinical Advisor
Talofa lava, Ni sa bula vinaka and kia ora koutou, I am of Samoan descent through my mother from the villages of Iva and Sapapali’i (Samoa) and Fijian/Indian heritage through my father from the village of Ba (Fiji). I am a Registered Nurse with a background in CAMHS, Community Mental Health, Youth Justice, Corrections/Forensic Mental Health and Tertiary education spaces. I work as a Clinical Advisor for the Aoake Te Rā team. I am passionate about serving + walking alongside our Māori and Pacific communities to empower them to thrive. Outside of mahi, you will most probably find me fiddling around in the kitchen baking up a storm, cooking waaay too many portions of kai or reading a book.
Bex Petrie
Bex PetrieClinical Advisor
Bex PetrieClinical Advisor
Kia ora. Ko Bex Petrie tōku ingoa. I am a Social Worker with a background in mental health, suicide prevention, postvention and suicide bereavement. My mahi with Aoake te Rā is with the intake team, where I have the privilege to connect with those who are bereaved and honour their experiences. I live in Taupō where you will find me with my whānau enjoying the mountains and lake. Mauri ora!
Daryl Gregory
Daryl GregoryCASA Director & Kaitakawaenga
Daryl GregoryCASA Director & Kaitakawaenga
The Mana and Tapu of all people make us unique as individuals and I believe that we are created to be connected to others. I am passionate about encouraging whānau to provide a lifestyle, which encourages and nurtures personal, corporate and spiritual growth within the communities they live in. Kia ora I am from Waikato Tainui living in Christchurch and a current Board member of CASA and kaitakawaenga across the different teams. I am married we have a son who is working hard as a musician in the Wellington scene to make his mark. In my spare time I am interested in making short documentaries of interesting characters I meet every day. I enjoy travelling, good food and cold ale with my lovely wife Rose.
Kirsty Louden
Kirsty LoudenProject Lead
Kirsty LoudenProject Lead
Kia ora, I am the Project lead for this awesome new service for our whānau who have been bereaved by suicide. As a Clinical Psychologist and Clinical manager I've worked in the suicide pre and post vention space for a number of years now. I have a passion to see services delivered to our communities in ways that the communities want and that are effective for them. When not working I am hanging out with my whānau and enjoying our beautiful outdoors.
Nate Monika
Nate MonikaClinical Advisor / Coach
Nate MonikaClinical Advisor / Coach

Kia Ora, He uri āhau o Ngāti Tūwharetoa, Ngāti Awa, me Ngāti Porou hoki. I am a mum, a whanau member, a community member, and a kaimahi. I work in the Aoake Te Rā and CPRS Tō Te Ra spaces. I have a background in community social work and suicide prevention and postvention. I care about whānau identifying their strengths, being a strong advocate for the voiceless, indigenous practices and matauranga māori. I love a good road trip but you can usually find me on the East Coast, in Tairāwhiti, Gisborne enjoying time with my tino tāongā, my children.

Taulaga Alatimu
Taulaga AlatimuClinical Advisor
Taulaga AlatimuClinical Advisor
Talofa lava, I am of Samoan descent, born and raised here in Tamaki Makaurau/Aukilani (Auckland). I work as a Clinical Advisor for the CPRS team and the Aoake Te Ra team. I am a Registered Nurse, worked mainly in Mental Health, with a background working in Forensic Mental health and General Inpatient Mental health services (Acute). My passion is empowering and working in partnership with young people and their families, specifically our Māori and Pacific communities. Outside of work I enjoy spending time with my husband and two young children as well as my extended Aiga (family). Above all, my faith in God keeps me strong and grounded.